Friday, September 17, 2010

Almost Home

I thought I would share a picture of my dogs and me. Sookie on the left of the picture is my daughter's 1 year old poodle pom. Sunny Lee on the right is my 14 year old Maltese. That's me in the middle.

I am not a young mom like most of you. My baby is a 37 year old cross country truck driver. But I am a mom. I began this trip, this journey through God's Word, on July 15. Not one day of it has been a chore. The expected end of the trip is October 2 but I think I will finish earlier than that. I finished James today and could possibly finish the rest this weekend if I don't just stop to do something else.

I want to say that I have read things in this "read" that I have not paid much attention to before. We as Christians have focused on "winning souls" and bringing in the harvest. We have heard so many times the charge to "go into all the world." Somewhere along the line we began to focus on numbers saved and church attendance, etc. Reading Hebrews again today brought back to my mind that our job as Christians is to go tell the Good News, Teach, Preach and Baptize. God will bring the increase. He will gather the harvest. It's our job to plant the seeds and keep them watered. God will bring the increase.

There is a lot more I want to think about in depth but right now I'm just reading the story and happy for the opportunity.

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