Saturday, August 28, 2010

I have been to the Mountain!

We brought my mom home from the hospital late Thursday evening (around 8pm). After 13 days in the hospital. After 8 procedures, including gallbladder surgery and heart catheterization Mom looks like she has been beaten in a back alley. Although she is sore from surgery, she is much better in other ways. No more gallbladder pain is a big plus.

But I have prayed so hard for her. Many times every day I ask the Lord to please make her well again and I ask him for just a little more time for her to accept salvation. I feel like I have been to the mountain many times in the recent past. This is a good reply. Now I am praying for the BIG one.

I keep reading. I am up-to-date with my #90days schedule but Jeremiah is giving me some trouble for some reason. I can't seem to stay attentive. It could be whats going on around me that is the problem. I know I am very tired from staying 24/7 with Mom but that sounds like a lame excuse. I just need to clear my mind.
OK that's it for today. Later....

Thursday, August 26, 2010

God and me

It's been a while since I posted. I have drawn closer to God in the past 10 days, done a lot of reading and a lot of praying...and a lot of knitting. LOL

My Mom has been very ill. I took her to the hospital on Saturday August 14th with vomiting, stomach pain and miserable feeling. She was admitted. Doctors wanted to check and see if this was caused by medication or possibility of something like cancer in colon or stomach or thereabouts. They stopped a lot of her medications including her blood pressure meds. They prepped her for colonoscopy using pills for purging which are primarily salt. Colonoscopy and endoscopy were negative for any problem growths. She was in good shape in that area. However, lack of medication and the pills for purging sent her blood pressure through the roof. It was so high the machines would not register it. It had to be taken manually. It took a whole day to get it down. The surgeon was scheduled to see her about her gallbladder. But on Wednesday had a heart-attack. Gallbladder surgery was canceled. More tests were scheduled for her heart. A heart surgeon came to see her for a heart cath. After he had examined her he recommended that she be taken to Ashland, KY which is about 65 miles away.

She was taken to Ashland, Kings Daughters Hospital on Thursday morning. Tests began immediately and a heart cath was scheduled for Friday morning. On Friday morning the nurses could not wake Mom up so the cath was canceled. She was in a deep deep sleep until 10 am, could not be aroused. They thought she had had a stroke. More tests and scans were done. She had a heart echo scan and EKG and lots of blood work over the next 2 days. On Monday morning she had the heart cath. It was determined that her heart was doing ok. All the stints and grafts from previous surgeries were working. No new ones were put in. She was oked for gallbladder surgery. A surgeon was called and she was put on the schedule for Tuesday. On Tuesday she had her surgery by laproscopy and it went well. Except they had trouble waking her up. She was in recovery about 8 hours then she was moved to ICU. We had expected to go home. She spent that night in ICU and still they wouldnt let her go home. She was put out in a room on Wednesday and told she could go home Thursday morning. On Thursday morning the doctor released her pending the surgeon seeing her one more time. But nobody told the surgeon. After waiting all day until 8 pm, my daughter went in search of the surgeon, got her signed out and she is on her way home now.

it has been an awful 2 weeks for all of us. My sister and I have been staying with her 24/7.

By the way.. I have read a lot of my Bible and I am on schedule.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Mom's in the Hospital

Slept until 8 am this morning. Went to bed last night at 9pm. Slept 11 hours, did not move a muscle. Woke up alert but with a headache in back of head.

Made a quick trip to hospital after sister called to inform me that Mom had been prepped last night for a colonoscopy, needed underwear badly. I took clean underwear to them and brought soiled items home to wash. Did a little baking and canned some peaches that were getting too ripe.

Headache eased off by middle of day. Head feels sore to touch on top. Had a feeling of something tight around head this morning and no feeling at all above the line.
Have to report to the hospital by 6pm to relieve my sister.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Linda's Right On Schedule

I am happy to report that I am more than half way through the Bible now. Unfortunately my Mom is ill and is in the hospital. On the upside, I have more time to read my Bible. My sister and I are doing 24 hour shifts. I have read to the middle of Song of Songs or Solomon.

Happy to report that I am blessed by the words I read every day.

Friday, August 13, 2010

#B90days reading Friday Aug. 13

I am still ahead of schedule by one day or 2. I love the Psalms but I dont prefer them all run together like this. It's hard to not stop and enjoy each one but there isnt time.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

A woman's control

I have read my #b90days reading for today and loving it. It's awesome to read again the songs of a man who loved God with all his heart. Then along came a woman...who wasn't his woman.

Just think, if women could exert the same level of influence they have over men to do good that they use to do bad how different the world could be!

Monday, August 9, 2010

#B90days check in Linda Lyon

I am reading in Psalms 9 currently. It's a little ahead I know but I was so far behind for so long, I read every chance I get.

I read while canning vegetables, while waiting for my mother to take her bath,(she is elderly) in the doctors office, in the car (daughter driving), while eating breakfast, in the bed at night.

In today's reading I love the story of Queen Ester. Her resilience in the face of almost certain death to save her people is a lesson to us all. I would hope I would have that strength but the truth is most of us have a breaking point. But the story that I love most in the Bible is the story of Job. It is not a pretty story. It is hard to read both visualizing the horrible things that he went through and I find the writing a little difficult. It's more poetry than prose I think. But the story of Job is one of triumph, faith, and love.

This story is my touchstone no matter what I am going through, and I have been through a lot in the last few years, the story of Job lifts me up. I know that no matter what my God will never forsake me. Linda

Friday, August 6, 2010

It was a good day.

The church picnic was lovely. My son and daughter went with me. I had no pain today to speak of. It was a good day.

I am on schedule with my #b90days reading.

Making Fried Apple Pies

This morning I am making fried, dried apple pies for church picnic tonight. yum. My son is coming home today. Have my #b90days reading done.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

My #B90days reading is right on schedule and a little extra. I am enjoying my time spent on this challenge so much. It restores my soul. Does that sound corny? I wish I had done this a year ago.

My Impression matter how bad they were, no matter how many times God punished them for their wicked ways, he still loved them and he still made sure there was always a remnant left to fulfill promises he had made to them.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

A wonderful night in the sleep lab

I spent last night in the sleep lab doing part 2 of the sleep apnea test. After having all those wires glued to my head, neck, legs, arms, throat, etc., the technician fitted the cpap mask to my face.After that I couldn't drink, eat or read because I couldn't wear my glasses. The mask covered my nose and mouth and had straps and a head harness. I felt like one of those early test pilots or a star trec creature. Then the guy said,"Now just lie back there and turn any way you like and get a good night's sleep."

At 5am this morning I awakened after a restless night. When I got unhooked and unharnessed, I went home to shower, wash the glue out of my hair and get some sleep.

Thank goodness I was ahead on my reading because I did not get to read last night. I have done my #B90days reading for today however.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Monday again LORD

Well it's Monday again and we are sitting here in 90 degree heat. But Thank you Lord for this beautiful day. It isn't raining. Today I don't have a headache. That's the GOOD NEWS!

I am ahead of schedule with "my b90days" reading. Loving it!

I have to wonder how they managed to produce all the cattle, sheep, goats, camels and people that they killed. I am surprised that there was anything left by the time of David's reign. Between the sacrifices and the war they sure were a bloody people. I am also surprised at how over and over the God's chosen people reached out to Idols and false gods after just being rescued by the Lord God from disaster after disaster.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

"B90Days" reading done for today

Reading II Chronicles 12 today. I am ahead of schedule. I had a little trouble reading last night, gave up and went to bed, soo tired. but I can't seem to put it down. I pick up my Bible every time I have a few minutes.

With all the damage I did to my neck in the wreck a few weeks ago, I have to sit and ice it or sit and rest it at times, perfect for reading the Bible. Keeping an eye on the canner, perfect for reading the Bible. Sitting down after my day is done, perfect for reading the Bible.

I am amazed at the patience God had with his rebellious children. I am astounded at their failure to obey him after he brought them through so many things. It seems like they only wanted God when they needed saving from their own messes.